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5 Best Free Patent Databases

by Patentomatics

A patent search can take on a fundamental part of a business’s life cycle, with significant input from stakeholders to help them manage their investments and risks. Patent search goals are adaptable and can be adjusted to current core business objectives. These purposes may include recording patent applications, relinquishing a thought/patent right, or sending an item, or a patent statement against a competitor. Gambling on a lack of foundational data or following up on closures can have both financial implications and long-term consequences for developing a business. Subsequently, all large firms use internal and/or external labor for their patent searches. The previous article investigated our commitment to our free Scholastic search engine and bibliographic database as the leading non-patent text search. We list below our Best five suggestions for free patent search engines that can help anyone locate patent data.

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1. Google Patents

Google Patents is our top recommendation among free patent search engines Google Patents indexes over 18 million published patent reports, including full-text information from notable jurisdictions such as the USPTO, EPO, JPO, KPO, WIPO, and CNIPA. Google Patents similarly provides the ability to search between Google Scholar and book repositories for non-patent writing using CPC plots.

It is especially valuable for doing a quick search on a topic. The speed and user interface make it a breeze to quickly recognize significant records. It provides machine translation of archives in different dialects making it important for basic searches using the English language in general. It additionally presents all applicable data such as images, legal status, work, and references to the total contract for general access and understanding. Higher-level search options, for example, using Boolean grammar, search terms, dates, designers, trustees, etc., can be used to further refine your search.

Part of the disadvantages includes the need to physically confirm data such as status, requirement, work, etc. due to the ability to pass late delivery and laxity in the refresh. Regardless of these obstacles, Google Patents is clearly quick and easy to use to track important results.

2. Lens

The lens is a free patented and insightful search and reference tool presented by Cambia, an Australian non-profit organization. It collects its patent information from various public registers such as USPTO, EPO, WIPO, EPO’s DocDB, and various databases. One of its essential assets is the ability to join patents, groupings, and non-patent writings, references, and realizations which makes it a tempting suggestion as a disclosure and investigation device. High-level search, local language search, and channels are predictable. It’s quick and easy to use. Also, listing for a free record likewise allows you to get additional highlights, for example, saved searches, products, and history that are now not conceivable in Google patents.

The free, publicly released and evolving lens isn’t much to shout about It lags behind other top databases in terms of reliability due to the frequency of updates, level of inclusion, and missing elements/fields.

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3. Espacenet

Espacenet is an EPO-created patent information base that has recently been upgraded to support scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs.

New Espacenet allows you to search full messages in different dialects. Some valuable choices include intelligent search, high-level search, characterization search, and machine translation of the text. Espacenet is limited to performing complex searches requiring extensive terms, administrators, and testing. We use it in certain situations, for example, for downloading, checking patent data, and reviewing INPADOC relatives, legal status, reference, and public register/record covering.


PatentScope is a WIPO-controlled data set centered around PCT applications and patent reports published from various public registers.

It has a broad inclusivity that similarly focuses on engineers, scientists, and entrepreneurs rather than master explorers/explorers. WIPO Decipher is a tool developed using only patent records and spaces obtained for machine translation from the IPC. High-level search options and elements, for example, public stage data, open access NPL searches, more distant family data, synthetic design/foundation searches (login required), and more, make PatentScope accessible as a helpful research tool.


Assuming you’re interested in researching specific US patents and applications, there’s no better source than the USPTO’s site. The user interface is somewhat sub-par and the search options are limited. Regardless, USPTO patent search scores as the source of truth in patent distribution. The USPTO offers a handy aid for the uninitiated in patent search and various tools, for example, dossiers, record coverings, successions, patent evaluation information structures, task reels, and more.

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Use a Professional Patent Search for the Best Results

A thorough and systematic search for two patents and NPLs is an essential part of your IP with a reasonable level of effort. Searching for all applicable writings from the public domain is indeed a daunting task for any event-skilled searcher.

Free patent databases and search engines alone are helpful in distinguishing prior art. We do not recommend using the free tools offered here when an efficient survey of patents or an engaged prior art search is required. We recommend using search firms that use master searchers, industry-driving databases, and the most distant down-the-line innovative tools to give you important results on time and within the cost plan for such investigations. MaxVal’s master researchers join their experience and expertise to conduct a robust and comprehensive search.


All tools have their own upsides and downsides, so it’s vital to find the information base which meets your requirements. Here and there you could have to involve an overabundance, and we trust this rundown assists you in tracking down your actual patent data set with coordinating.

Now that we are arranged the patent databases, maybe we ought to zero in on the subsequent stage, for example, Patent Searching.

Patent Databases are pointless assuming you have no clue about patent searching, the perspective required, and the basic factors that should be considered to play out an effective search.

Important Affiliate Disclosure

We at https://patentomatics.com/ are esteemed to be a major affiliate for some of these products. Therefore, if you click any of these product links to buy a subscription, we earn a commission. However, you do not pay a higher amount for this. Rest easy as the information provided here is accurate and dependable.

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